The prices of content on Zipperminds are determined based on the terms of the Mentor’s Terms and our Privacy Policy. In some instances, the price of content offered on the Zipperminds website may not be exactly the same as the price offered on our mobile or TV applications, due to mobile platform providers’ pricing systems and their policies around implementing sales and promotions. We occasionally run promotions and sales for our content, during which certain content is available at discounted prices for a set period of time. The price applicable to the content will be the price prevailing at the time you complete your purchase of the content (at checkout). Any price offered for particular content may also be different when you are logged into your account from the price available to users who aren’t registered or logged in, because some of our promotions are available only to new users. If you are a student located in a country where use and sales tax, goods and services tax, or value added tax is applicable to consumer sales, we are responsible for collecting and remitting that tax to the proper tax authorities. Depending on your location, the price you see may include such taxes, or tax may be added at checkout.

Refunds and Refund Credits

  1. No refund shall be processed unless specifically mentioned in this agreement. No refund shall be processed once the Call has been scheduled and executed. However, if the User intends to cancel a successfully placed order before execution, the User is required to contact the customer care team within 2 (Two) hours of making the payment, whereafter it is totally at the discretion of the Website whether to issue a refund.
  2. No refund shall be processed for the reason that in-correct information or data has been provided by You. The User agrees to be careful while providing any information to the Website and must re-check the information filled before clicking on “Submit”.
  3. No refund shall be processed for providing a wrong contact number for the purpose of availing the “Call with Mentor” feature. The User once opted for this feature is advised to keep the Contact Number in full coverage area and must answer the call when received. No refund shall be processed for any call which gets connected.
  4. The refunds, if any, shall be processed after deduction of the transaction charges levied by the Bank and/or the Payment Gateway, to & for cost of the services and/or any other charges that may have been incurred by the Website during processing and/or delivering the service, as applicable. The refund, if any, will be credited to the user's Zipperminds wallet only.
  5. In case the Website or Payment gateway’s webpage, that is linked to the Website, is experiencing any server related issues like ‘slow down’ or ‘failure’ or ‘session timeout’, the User shall, before initiating the second payment, check whether his/her Bank Account has been debited or not and accordingly resort to one of the following options:
    • In case the Bank Account appears to be debited, ensure that you do not make the payment twice and immediately thereafter contact the Website via customer care to confirm payment.
    • In case the Bank Account is not debited, the User may initiate a fresh transaction to make payment.
  6. However, refund for multiple payment, if any, even after the above precaution against the same order shall be made in full without deduction of the transaction charges as mentioned above. The Website shall only retain the cost of one single order as intended to be placed by the User.
  7. If there are orders that the Website is unable to accept and must cancel, the Website at its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse or cancel any transaction for any reason whatsoever. Some situations may result in the order being cancelled and include, without limitation, non-availability of the service, inaccuracy, error in pricing information or other problems as identified. If the User’s order is cancelled after charges being paid against the said service, the said amount paid for booking shall be credited to the user's Zipperminds wallet.
  8. Note: All refunds will be credited to the user's Zipperminds wallet.